Missionary New Testament on Cassette Project

MissionaryHelper.com sponsors an ambitious program to provide copies of the New Testament on Cassette in the mission language for LDS missionaries serving in selected Eastern European missions.  The Book of Mormon is not available on cassette in these languages.

The New Testament on Cassette is a wonderful resource for increasing missionary effectiveness.  There is no better way to master the scriptures, the language, pronounciation, intonation, and grammar all at once than to listen to God's word on cassette.  With daily use of scripture cassettes, one can become fully fluent in the Lord's word in the local language.

How the Missionary New Testament on Cassette Project works

1. Full-time missionaries who desire a copy of the New Testament on Cassette in their mission language can send us a letter with their testimony in the mission language.  Once this letter is received, we will make arrangements to acquire a copy of the New Testament on Cassette for the missionary in the mission language from a local distributor (usually a bible society) in the area where the missionary is serving.  The main purpose of requesting a letter from the missionary is to help us to find missionaries who are genuinely interested and who will use the cassette bibles effectively, since the number we can provide is limited and there is no point in providing them if they are not used.  The letter can be sent to: Missionary New Testament on Cassette Project, 108 Marlin Avenue, Galveston TX 77550, USA

2. Missionaries who have been called to selected missions may also request a copy of the New Testament on Cassette before entering the MTC, or after entering the MTC but with at least four weeks remaining.  Missionaries should also send us their testimonies in the mission language as described above.  For those not familiar with the mission language, on-line Russian-English and Ukrainian-English church dictionaries are available at http://www.gatheringofisrael.com/ .  The grammar doesn't have to be perfect, we just care that the missionaries give it a good effort.

3. At present, we can make this offer only to missionaries serving in selected missions.  These represent missions where returned missionaries have made this project possible by spending a couple of minutes to participate in our online project fundraising campaign.  To the extent that participation increases, it may be possible for us to extend this offer to additional missions.  So far the offer includes only the Russia Samara mission.  I am contacting several other mission presidents to make the offer available in additional areas.

4.  We ask that missionaries receiving these cassette sets pass them on to other missionaries when they leave the mission field, or earlier if the cassettes are not being regularly utilized.