Encouraging Native Missionaries ![]()
"When missionaries are called to serve locally, great benefits accrue to the Church in local areas. First, the missionaries can speak the language fluently so that no language training is necessary. Second, the acceptance by local people to the missionaries of their own nationality is superior to the reception received by non-nationals. Third, the great benefits which the missionaries themselves receive through their mission experience is not exported from the local area but serves to strengthen and build the kingdom in the homeland. Thus, there must be increased emphasis on the preparation of young men and women to step forward and carry the missionary responsibility in their own lands" Ezra Taft Benson, Language Training Mission Groundbreaking, Provo, Utah, July 18, 1974
"Take Jacob Zundell and Frederick H. Moeser, and tell them never to drink a drop of ale, wine, or any spirit, only that which flows right out from the presence of God; and send them to Germany; and when you meet with an Arab, send him to Arabia; when you find an Italian, send him to Italy; and a Frenchman, to France; or an Indian, that is suitable, send him among the Indians. Send them to the different places where they belong. Send somebody to Central America and to all Spanish America; and don't let a single corner of the earth go without a mission." Joseph Smith, Discourses of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 173
Some of the most effective missionaries I have known have been young men and women serving in their native lands. The effect on local leadership is also inestimable.
One of the reasons why the Church is still perceived by many as an American Church is that a great preponderance of missionaries still come from North America, even though the majority of members live outside of the US and Canada. A few years ago, only about 33% of eligible young men in the US were serving missions, compared to single-digit percentiles in much of the rest of the world. The percentage is higher in some countries, including Mongolia, Hungary, Ukraine, and parts of South America. The response among young sisters worldwide to the missionary call has been tremendous, but we could still do much better with the young brethren.
Is there more we can do to encourage more young people worldwide to serve missions? Certainly. Check out this article entitled "Excitement for missionary work surges" from the June 19, 1999 edition of the LDS Church
The article reports that local full-time missionaries in Peru and Bolivia have increased by seventy percent over the course of the last year! Pres. Maynes of the South America West Area Presidency attributes largely to "strong priesthood support of missionary preparation classes." The central role of Church Education System is discussed. We see stepped-up efforts of the CES around the world and their impact on missionary service. This is an example to treasure and learn from.
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