Learn to be Comfortable in Sharing the Gospel

Even in many Sacrament meetings - a positive environment among others sharing the same beliefs - many speakers start otherwise good talks on the wrong foot by preface their remarks with some excuse or expression  of displeasure at being called to speak about the Gospel.  Such discomfort about sharing the Gospel even with those who have already accepted it (let alone with those outside the Church) is generally based on fear, which in turn frequently stems from a lack of preparation, as discussed above.  What does it tell about our real attitude toward the gospel when even routine talks and lessons are often prefaced with excuses and grumbling?  How can we possibly convey enthusiasm to others when we show by our attitude that our lips may draw close to God but our hearts are far from him?  The opportunity to share the gospel is not a burden, but a tremendous blessing.  There are some households where, like in the Zoramite civilization, individuals leave the chapel "never speaking of their God again until they had assembled themselves together on the holy stand" (Alma 31:23).  Children who are not brought up to be comfortable sharing and discussing their beliefs openly at home and at Church are unlikely to feel comfortable in sharing their beliefs with friends and will have serious challenges to overcome when they prepare to serve a mission.  A home environment where gospel topics are freely and regularly discussed is not created by accident, but requires careful planning and consistent effort on the part of parents.

Take opportunities to speak, teach lessons, and bear your testimony in Church.  Learn to be comfortable in sharing your beliefs with your family and fellow Church members.  Read and discuss the scriptures daily with your family.  Take advantage of Family Home Evening time to practice approaches for sharing the Gospel.  With consistent practice, anyone can learn the basic skill of opening his or her mouth!

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