Senior Couples

"Become involved in missionary service. We need increasing numbers of senior missionaries in missionary service. Where health and means make it possible, we call upon hundreds more of our couples to set their lives and affairs in order and to go on missions. How we need you in the mission field! You are able to perform missionary service in ways that our younger missionaries cannot.  I'm grateful that two of my own widowed sisters were able to serve as missionary companions together in England. They were sixty-eight and seventy-three years of age when they were called, and they both had a marvelous experience.  What an example and a blessing it is to a family's posterity when grandparents serve missions. Most senior couples who go are strengthened and revitalized by missionary service. Through this holy avenue of service, many are sanctified and feel the joy of bringing others to the knowledge of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ."  Ezra Taft Benson, Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice, To the Elderly in the Church, p. 74

" As couple missionaries, you and your wife should prepare to serve when that time comes. We need many, many more couple missionaries. "  Elder Earl C. Tingey, April 1998 General Conference, Priesthood Session