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"O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.” D&C 4:2

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General Authority Missionary Teachings in LDS Church News 1989-2000  New!
Index to over 40 online articles covering remarks of the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles to missionaries and mission presidents

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Missionary Quotes and Essays: Index

I. Calling with the Voice of the Good Shepherd
A. Our Missionary Responsibility
Introduction | Your Lifelong Mission

B. Preparation: The Basics
Preparation: Laying the Foundation | Learn and Live the Doctrine | Learn to Share the Gospel
Attributes of Effective Missionaries | The Better Part

B. Foundations of Effective Missionary Work
Obedience: The First Law of Heaven | Search, Know, and Love the Scriptures
Practice Fervent Prayer | Seek, Follow, and Keep the Holy Spirit | Personal Example

C. Serve with all your Heart: Consecrate your Soul
Enthusiasm, a Positive Attitude, and a Smile | "As He Thinketh in his Heart, so is He"
Desire to Sacrifice | Faith, Expectations, and Reality: Emotional Preparation for Serving Effectively
Be of One Heart with Your Companion  | Overcome the Fear of Man
The Great and Spacious Building Syndrome

D. Serve with all your Might: Determination and Consistency
Determination and Mindset: Planning to Succeed | The Ship Must Sail
Consistency: Enduring in Good Works | Continuing to Improve
Humility to Unlearn: The Path to Improvement

E. Serve with all your Mind: Work Smart
Time Management: Work Smart | Church Meetings: The Golden Hours
Understanding Contacts and Investigators | Teach Those who are Ready Now
The Power of Goals; Helpful Goalsetting Habits

F. Serve with all your Strength: Work Hard
"The Secret of Missionary Work is Work" | Work: Guest Essay By Kelly Mordaunt
Proselyting Hours | Maintain an Active Turnover | Preparation Day | Health and Nutrition

II. Finding: Sounding the Gospel in Every Ear
The Lord's Mandate to All: Open Your Mouth! | "He Has No Hands But Ours"
Contacting: Where the Real Work is Done | Tracting and Street Contacting
Using Referrals Effectively | Member Referral Submission Guidelines
Making Yourself Heard: Using the Media | Other Programs for Generating Interest
Be Creative: Use Your Ingenuity! | Can Interested Investigators Find the Church?
Waiting on the Lord?

III. Teaching the Gospel Effectively
A. Teaching to the Understanding of Men
 Learn the Language | Understand and Adopt the Culture: Teaching to the Understanding of Men
Polish Culture and Missionary Approaches: Jacob Muklewicz

B. Teaching for True Conversion: The Key to Retention
General Teaching Principles | Focusing on the Savior | Avoid Contention
Teaching with the Book of Mormon | Teaching Latter-day Doctrines
Sharing your Testimony Effectively | Preaching the Gospel of Repentance
Find Out: Assessing Understanding and Commitment

C. Core Commitments
Commitments: The Key to Conversion
Book of Mormon Reading | Personal and Family Prayer | Church Attendance and Sabbath Day
Baptism | Word of Wisdom | Chastity | Tithing | Activity in the Church

IV. Building the Kingdom of God on Earth
Conversion, Retention, and the Strength of the Church
Elder Ballard on "Real Growth" | Understanding True Conversion | Time for Change: "Not in Haste"
Quotes on Retention | Law of the Harvest: Retention | Understanding and Preventing Inactivity
Fellowshipping Investigators, New Members, and Less Actives | Working with Members

V. Troubleshooting Series: What Went Wrong? New!
Two Principles of Effective Missionary Work
How Every Missionary Can Baptize Almost Every Month | The Practical Dynamics of Finding Techniques
The Great Paradox | Why Many Missionary-Member Programs Fall Short
Lessons from the Area Book | Top Ten Pitfalls which Limit Effectiveness
Understanding Challenges to Growth

VI. Helps for Other Missionaries
Encouraging Native Missionaries | Leadership
Senior Couple Missionaries | Missionary Families

VII. The Missionary Discussions: Point-by-Point Teaching Tips New!
Brief Overview: Points to Emphasize in the Discussion
One discussion principle a week is added to this section.

Discussion 1: Our Heavenly Father's Plan
1.1: Our Heavenly Father's Plan | 1.2: Our Savior Jesus Christ  | 1.3: How the Plan is Revealed
1.4 The Prophet Joseph Smith: A Modern Witness of Jesus Christ
1.5: The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ | 1.6 The Holy Ghost: Witness of Truth

Discussion 2: The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Three Correlates of Success: Are the investigators prepared for the second discussion?
1. Salvation from Physical Death | 2. Salvation from Sin | 3. Faith in Jesus Christ | 4. Repentance
5. Baptism by Immersion for the Remission of Sins | 6. The Gift of the Holy Ghost |
7. Following the Example of Christ

Discussion 3: Truth Restored
1. Truth vs. Error | 2. The Apostasy | 3. Restoration of the Truth | 4. Restoration of the Church
5. Attendance at Church Meetings and Sacrament

Discussion 4: Eternal Progression
1. Our Premortal Existence | 2. Mortal Life on Earth | 3. Life after Death | 4. Salvation of the Dead
5. Eternal Family | 6. Chastity | 7. The Word of Wisdom

Discussion 5: Living a Christlike Life
1. Two Great Commandments | 2. Sacrifice Brings Blessings | 3. Fast and Fast Offerings | 4. Tithing

Discussion 6: Membership in the Kingdom of God
1. The Role of Jesus Christ in the Plan of Salvation | 2. Salvation through Christ and His Church
3. Mission of the Church: Perfecting the Saints | 4. Mission of the Church: Proclaiming the Gospel
5. Mission of the Church: Redeeming the Dead | 6. The Straight and Narrow Path

VIII. Other Resources
Useful Missionary Resources for Increasing Effectiveness | Links to Missionary-related Sites
 13 Articles of Faith | 23 Questions Answered by the Book of Mormon | 17 Points of the True Church

 This is not an official site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the individual authors and contributors take full responsibility for the content of Missionary Helper.  We welcome feedback of all kind, including personal experiences, principles, and techniques which have been found to be useful in spreading the gospel.  Full attribution will be included unless the contributor requests to remain anonymous.

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"There are greater opportunities to build the kingdom of God than ever before." James E. Faust

Maintained by David Stewart. Articles and design copyright 1999-2000.  All rights reserved.
Serving the LDS Community since August 1, 1999. Last updated on April 22, 2000.